The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindess, however small is ever wasted.
The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindess, however small is ever wasted.
In 2007, I went on a voluntour to Ghana to work and stay at an orphanage. That trip changed my life and led me to cofound the registered charity All For Humanity (AFH) in 2008. AFH is a child-focused grassroots organization that has worked in both Ghana and Colombia. We continue to work in Ghana where we raise money and supplies to provide clean drinking water, sanitary living conditions and access to healthcare & education for children and their families. The most gratifying part for me has been developing and implementing our programs on the ground.
My passion is specifically health care related issues impacting vulnerable children in Ghana. My belief, that essential medical services need to be accessible to all, is driven from a very personal place.
My childhood experiences form the foundation for the work I want to undertake now. I was born with Osteogenesis imperfecta (sometimes known as brittle bone disease), a congenital bone disorder characterized by brittle bones that are prone to fracture. As a result of my condition, I spent much of my childhood in and out of the hospital. Without access to health care, I would very likely not have survived let alone flourished.
Right now, I am working on a plan that would provide Ghanaian children with physical disabilities multidisciplinary supports needed to become fully contributing members of society.
Professionally, my background is in architecture and small business. Currently I am a fulltime architectural technologist specializing in high-end, custom residential design. In 2009, I was named "Top 40 under 40" by Calgary’s Avenue Magazine. I also love travel and have visited many places over the years. My adventures are made even better when I am able inject photography and live music wherever I’m exploring.